Water & Sewer Rates

NEW 2024 Water and Wastewater Rates

Water Fees and Charges

Effective date : January 1, 2024

(1) All un-metered properties; $67.25 per month

(2) All metered properties;

Meter SizeTotal Rates
3/4" or less12.00
1 1/2"28.34

(3) The following water rate shall be paid in addition to the Base Monthly Charge set out in section (2); $2.53 per cubic metre.

(4) In addition to the rates established under section (1) or section (2) above the following additional charge shall apply if the property is serviced with a sprinkler system.

Monthly Fire Protection charge:10" main$75.41
8" main$71.91
6" main$68.48
4" main$65.05
2.5" main$59.96
2" main$59.96
1.5" main$59.96

(5) A rate equal to 100% of the rate established under (1) above shall apply to each property for which the owner or occupant has refused to allow the Township to connect a meter within the Deadline Date. For the purposes of this section “Deadline Date” shall mean the date thirty (30) days after the day on which the Township has mailed by registered mail a written notice to the applicable property owner that the Township has attempted to install a water meter for that property but has been refused permission by the property owner to install such meter.

(6) The following water rate shall be paid for water purchased in bulk; $3.39 per cubic metre.

Wastewater Fees & Charges

Effective date : January 1, 2024

(1) All un-metered properties (Except Salem/Lot 18 Low Pressure Sewer System); $79.40 per month.

(2) All metered properties (Except Salem/Lot 18 Low Pressure Sewer System);

Meter SizeTotal Rates
3/4" or less14.01
1 1/2"33.08

(3) The following additional sewage service rate shall be paid in addition to the base monthly charges set out in section (2); $2.99 per cubic metre.

(4) A rate equal to 100% of the rate established under (1) above shall apply to each property for which the owner or occupant has refused to allow the Township to connect a meter within the Deadline Date. For the purposes of this section “Deadline Date” shall mean the date thirty (30) days after the day on which the Township has mailed by registered mail a written notice to the applicable property owner that the Township has attempted to install a water meter for that property but has been refused permission by the property owner to install such meter.

(5) Low Pressure Sewer Systems:

(5a) All owners of single residential units which are connected or which are required to be connected to the Salem/Lot 18 Low Pressure Sewer System shall pay an annual charge of $1,375.36.

(5b) All owners of multiple residential units which are connected or which are required to be connected to the Salem/Lot 18 Low Pressure Sewer System shall pay a Base Monthly Charge as follows: Seventy percent (70%) of the rates under section 5(a) above for each dwelling unit.

(5c) The annual charge for Salem Public School, 23 Woolwich Street East, Salem, is $16,504.37.

(5d) All owners of properties with roll numbers 11-00101 (20 Bridge Street), 11-00102 (18 Bridge Street), 11-00103 (16 Bridge Street), 11-00108 (15 Bridge Street), and 11-00110 (17 Bridge Street) shall pay, in addition to the meter rate, an amount equal to $32.66 per month with respect to repair, maintenance, and replacement of sewer pumps.

Water Restrictions in Effect

Township of Centre Wellington Efficient Outdoor Water Use
Under By-law Number 99-55

The use of municipal water through a hose or other attachment for lawn or garden watering, fountains, washing automobiles or filling swimming pools are subject to the following regulations:

(a) All homes with EVEN house numbers – watering is allowed on EVEN calendar days.
(b) All homes with ODD house numbers – watering is allowed on ODD calendar days.
(c) Sprinkling or watering is only permitted between the hours of 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on the days aforesaid.
(d) Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offense and on summary conviction is liable to a fine of not more than $300.00, exclusive of costs.

In the case of an extreme emergency, Council also has the authority to ban all such non-essential uses of water.