Privacy Notice to Customers of Centre Wellington Hydro Ltd.

Centre Wellington Hydro Ltd. (CWHydro) is pleased to be your local electricity distributor. Providing you with a reliable source of electricity requires that CWHydro collect and keep certain personal information about you. We are committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information and we have developed policies and procedures in compliance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you about the personal information that we collect, how it is used, how we protect its confidentiality and your rights in respect of this information.

What personal information is collected?

The nature of personal information we collect may include:

  • Information we receive from you such as your name, address, contact information and general financial, credit and reference information
  • Facts about your historical and current consumption of power and water
  • Information about your transaction with us, such as meter number, account number, account balances, payment history, and account activity
  • Identifying information, such as a driver’s licence number

How is my personal information used by CWHydro?

CWHydro uses the information we collect for the following purposes:

  • To provide you with electric and/or water services and to bill you for those services
  • To assist us in the collection of accounts
  • To respond to your inquiries about energy and water use and billing
  • To conduct customer service surveys
  • To prevent fraud with respect to both you and our company
  • To meet legal and regulatory requirements

Because of the structure of the electricity sector in Ontario, it may be necessary to share your billing and consumption information with third party billing and settlement agencies. For example, if you have signed a contract with a retailer, then we may provide your billing and consumption information as required by law or regulation. Our billing, settlement and regulatory relationships with third parties are governed by licences and codes established by the Ontario Energy Board.

How is my personal information protected?

We recognize that your information is private. We have developed a Corporate Privacy Policy for Centre Wellington Hydro Ltd. that governs the collection, use and protection of personal information. You can access our Privacy Policy on our corporate web site [] or you can call us at 843-2900 to request that a copy of this policy be sent to you.

What rights do I have to access my personal information?

You have the right to request access to the personal information that we have collected and to request amendments to personal information about you to ensure its accuracy and completeness. To make a request for access to personal information we have collected, disclosed or used, or to request that your personal information be amended, please contact our office.

What do I do if I have concerns?

We want to ensure that you understand our need to collect and use personal information in the delivery of our electricity services. Please feel free to call us at 843-2900 if you have concerns about the collection and use of your personal information by CWHydro. You may also call this number if you wish to withdraw your consent to our collection, use or disclosure of your personal information. We can also be contacted via email at or if you write to us at the address shown below, we will respond to any questions or concerns you may have.

CWHydro is committed to being the responsible and reliable electrical distributor that you expect. This commitment includes the protection of our customers’ personal information.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely
Wayne Dyce
Centre Wellington Hydro